Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hard Newstory:

Teenagers who text behind the wheel are putting lives at risk? Many people think that teenagers are the main target who text while driving though many adults and older adults’ text while driving. Why do you think they do it? “I do it because I'm addicted to texting. It is hard not to do though because I'm so used to texting all the time and always want to do it”, says Erin Geyen, Junior at Eastview High School.” Many others say the same thing. How dangerous is driving while texting? According to Harvard Study 2,600 traffic deaths are caused each year by drivers using cell phones or texting, and 21% of those related deaths are from teens that are driving while texting. You don’t have your eyes on the road at all times because when you’re texting, you’re looking down more than you’re looking at the road. Wouldn’t you think that with the new law DTW (Driving While Texting) that less car accidents would occur? Junior, Averi Haugesag, says “Not really, I don’t think teenagers really care what the law says. If they want to do it they will do it.” Maybe some views will change after hearing how much it really does affect how you drive.

Many people do not see texting while driving to be dangerous until they experience it themselves. 48% of teenagers have been in the car with someone when they have been texting and driving, but no one seems to stop it. Others may think that it’s okay to do because everyone else does it. No one used to text while driving however now all of a sudden it’s a big thing. Why do you think that is? I asked Erin Geyen and she stated that she was “because texting has gotten so popular, everyone texts; even parents and teachers. Everyone has realized that it’s such an easy and fast way to communicate. But, I do think texting while driving can wait till later and if it’s that important pull over to the side and text back.” Many people think this, but believe that it will be okay and won’t happen to them.

As you can see, many people agree with the fact that driving and texting is not safe, but still do it because it is just not easy to stop. “I agree with the new DWT law because it’s true that driving while texting isn’t safe to do and many accidents are caused from people doing it”, says Katie Sonnenburg. Getting in an accident is not the only harm texting while driving can do. You can put others at risk too. There have been other related accidents that have happened, such as pedestrians getting run over due to someone being on their phone or having other distractions while driving. Even lane changing and speed changes can be deadly. A lot of people think that driving while texting is just as bad as drunk driving. “I would consider texting while driving just as bad as drunk driving because either way they both make you distracted and you have no clue on what is going on around you and you’re not expecting to get into an accident”, says Katie Sonnenburg. It is unrealistic that texting while driving has ruined that many people’s lives when something like that can definitely be prevented from happening. Many police officers have reported that 515,000 injuries and 5,870 fatalities have happened in the US from just texting while driving. After learning all of this information and the new DWT law comes out there will hopefully be less accidents occurring throughout the United States.


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